How to setup Django Virtual Environment

How to setup Django Virtual Environment

Django is an open-source web framework written in Python. Django lets you turn your concept into application within a matter of hours. It is a framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

How to setup Django virtual Environment

At first, you need to have python3 installed on your machine. You can download python from here

To check if python is installed properly, open your terminal and type python(Windows) or python3 (Linux or mac)

You will see something like this

Screenshot (34).png

After python is installed, we need to create a folder for our Django project

Assuming you know to create a folder and did create one, let's open the terminal inside the folder you created

and type the following command

python -m venv djangoenv

djangoenv is the name of the environment we are creating, you can give it any name you prefer

Screenshot (35).png

This will create a folder named djangoenv. Inside the folder, you will see folders like below

Screenshot (36).png

Now we need to activate the environment, we can do it with a simple command

source djangoenv/Scripts/activate

Screenshot (37).png

Now we will install Django inside the virtual environment

pipenv install django

This will install Django inside your virtual environment.

Now to create the Django project, use the command

django-admin startproject mysite

It will create the project with this folder structure `

inside mysite


We are set now, we have successfully created the Django project.

Now, Get inside the directory mysite and type the following command

python runserver 8080

Open the browser and type localhost:8080

You will see an interface like this

Screenshot (38).png

You've successfully created a Django project and running in Virtual Environment